Myeloid cells and cancer immunotherapy

Pr Antonio Sica's presentation will focus on the biology of myeloid cells and their alterations in the context of cancers and will provide a synthetic view of the diagnostic and therapeutic targets expressed by these immunoregulatory cells.

Antonio Sica,  Dept of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara / Head lab. Molecular Immunology, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center , Milan, Italy

Antonio Sica graduated in Biological Sciences and has subsequently obtained a Ph.D. in Immunology. He worked for several years at the Department of Immunology of the Institute of Pharmacological Research “Mario Negri”, where he served as head of the unit of “gene expression”. In 1990 he joined the National Cancer Institute in Frederick, Maryland, United States of America, where he worked in the section of Molecular Immunology. In 1995, upon his return to Italy, he became head of the Laboratory of Molecular Immunology at the Mario Negri Institute in Milan, focusing on the mechanisms underlying the association between inflammation and cancer development. Since 2005 he is Head of the laboratory of Molecular Immunology, at the Humanitas Clinical and Research Center. He has a long standing interest in the molecular mechanisms that control the functions and the roles of myeloid cells in the development of cancer. His scientific contribution is documented by more than 150 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals (H index= 66).

Mis à jour le 20 janvier 2020.